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Metonitazene is a synthetic opioid which recently entered the market. In recreational drug circles in the United States, Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) – particularly new synthetic opioids – are regularly released. In the interest of public health and safety, it is crucial for forensic scientists to understand these compounds and develop effective post-mortem detection tests.
The most recent addition to the list of NPS is Metonitazene. It first emerged in 2020, and then began to proliferate in 2021 in response to the scheduling of brorphine, another very recent NPS. To expand our knowledge on this compound, scientists at The Center for Forensic Science Research and Education (CFSRE), with support from NMS Labs, explored its concentration, co-occurrence with other drugs, toxicity, and metabolism.
Liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry confirmed the presence of this compound in biological samples taken from 20 post-mortem forensic investigation cases. Metonitazene’s average concentrations in blood and urine were 6.3 and 15 ng/mL respectively.
In 55% of cases, it is in combination with fentanyl and in 45% cases in combination with other NPS. This include a variety of Benzodiazepines such as Flualprazolam and Clonazolam, synthetic opioids such as butonitazene, and hallucinogens such as N-ethyl deschloroketamine. In 30% cases it was the sole identified opioid. In the 15% of cases Metonitazene was the sole drug of interest. However, it caused death which law enforcements listed it to be accidental.
The metabolism of Metonitazene is similar to that of Isotonitazene, a close analogue NPS that emerged. These findings demonstrate the potential for small amounts of this compound to be lethal. Thus, highlighting the importance of including it in postmortem toxicology panels and forensic testing protocols.
Pharmacology of Metonitazene
Currently, users have limited information regarding the pharmacology of N-pyrrolidino metonitazene. Recent in vitro studies examining activity and potency found that N-pyrrolidino metonitazene is an active opioid. It’s potency approximately two times greater than that of fentanyl. Also, based on structural similarity, N-pyrrolidino metonitazene exhibits similar adverse effects to other nitazene analogues.
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