The 10 Week Precision Form MiniCycle is designed for bulking in the first 4 weeks of training and moves into cutting and hardening in the final phase. Incredible mass and definition are reported from our users!
This stack includes the following:
One bottle of D-Bol
One bottle of Test Suspension
One bottle Anodrol Oral Suspension
One bottle WInni-V
One bottle Equidren
One Bottle Masterbolan
One botle Omifen
One bottle Somatroph HC
10 Week Precision Form MiniCycle

Product Requirements: 1 bottle of D-BOL, 1 bottle Liquid Anodrol, 1 bottle Test Suspension, 1 bottle Equidren, 1 bottle Masterbolan, 1 bottle Winni-V, 1 bottle Somatroph HGH, 1 bottle Omifen
The 10 Week MiniCycle is a shortened version of the 14 Week Precision Form Peaking Cycle seen above. It is structured for extreme muscle growth and strength development in the first 4 weeks with D-Bol and Anodrol. Starting with week five begins the cutting phase of the cycle. The cycle is designed to produce dramatic muscle mass growth in the beginning weeks and move into an extreme cutting phase peaking in week 10. This cycle may produce extremely dramatic results.
Diet recommendations: Eat meals in equal caloric portions every 2 hours for 5 – 6 meals daily.
Weeks 1-10:
70% – Protein ( 2 grams per pound of bodyweight )
20% – Fat
10% – Carbs
10 Weeks On/ 2 Months Off
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